Here's what we announced.

Get Started with RepairDesk 2.0

14 Day Free Trial

Speed Up Your Checkout Experience

 Launch Event

February 1, 2022

Create tickets faster, manage your inventory more efficiently and generate invoices easily with RepairDesk 2.0.

Save Time Managing Your Finances

Save hours of effort by using the inbuilt Chart of Accounts system with detailed transaction history, balance sheet, and reports that reflect the true picture of your repair shop.

Enjoy Unprecedented Stability

RepairDesk 2.0 fixes almost all the bugs reported in the previous version, bringing you a more stable experience.

Meet RepairDesk 2.0 – The Next-Gen Repair Shop POS System

You can create a ticket in just six quick steps, instead of nine. You can also add service items to favorites and completely avoid category navigation. This means, you can just instantly create tickets.

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